CCUU Soul Connections Interest Survey

Please complete this interest survey and click submit.

Please Note:  The Soul Connections Small Group Ministry is a seasonal program, running September through June, with group restructuring to occur during July and August. Once a small group membership is formed, it is for the entirety of September through June. The placement of late or mid-year joining participants to already established small groups is not guaranteed.
We encourage your show of interest in Soul Connections at any time during the year, and we will make every effort to coordinate a quorum of late or mid-year joining participants into a new group to finish the current season. Please understand that it is not always possible to establish such a late-forming small group, and late-joining participants may instead need to wait until the following July / August to be placed into a newly formed group. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue in our attempts to optimally coordinate the best program possible.

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Please select all that apply.
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Please select all that apply.


Please complete this interest survey and click submit.